
Project Info:
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District

Organics-to-Energy, Combined Heat and Power Facility

CDM Smith

Project Value:
$25 Million

Project Highlights:
The new facility will process approximately 92,000 gallons of organics per day

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GLSD Organics-to-Energy Facility - North Andover, MA

Methuen Construction has already constructed three anaerobic digesters at the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District facility in North Andover, MA.  These anaerobic digesters convert waste-to-energy, providing heat and power to the wastewater treatment facility.  This fourth anaerobic digester will provide power and heat through an innovative organics-to-energy process and upon completion will process approximately 92,000 gallons of organics per day.  This new facility is being constructed in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, which has issued a regulation banning the disposal of food waste organics by incineration or in landfills.