
Project Info:
Ogden Martin Haverhill Associates

287,000 Cubic Feet per Minute, 26 module fabric filter system

Black & Veatch

Project Value:
$11.8 Million

Project Highlights:
Over 40 tons of fan related steel & equipment was removed on a piece-by-piece basis within 3 days.

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Haverhill Air Pollution Control Retrofit - Haverhill, MA

Methuen Construction provided complete engineering, procurement, construction, and start-up services for a 287,000 CFM, 26 module fabric filter system. The entire project was designed and constructed within a 15-month schedule with the major components completed working around the clock during two 7-day scheduled outages. Due to extremely limited access, crane support for the tie in outages was impossible. This required hand removal of 7,000 pounds of ductwork. During this same period, 40 tons of fan related steel and equipment was removed on a piece-by-piece basis within 3 days.